Deploying two vRLI 4.7.1 clusters with vRealize Suite LCM 2.0 & setting up forwarding with SSL

After deploying vROPS using the vRSLCM yesterday, today the task was to deploy two separate instances of vRealize Log Insight. Both instances should consist of a cluster of one master and three workers (deployment type “Medium with HA”) and be placed on different hypervisor clusters, each managed by their own vCenter and separated by a third-party firewall. Finally the “outer” vRLI cluster would forward their received telemetry onto the “inner” cluster, which will function as part of a central SIEM platform.

The first step is to deploy both of the clusters. Again the “Create Environment” screen is used:

vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager – Create Environment screen

After being finished with entering all the deployment parameters the pre-check is performed, but failed. Allegedly the IP addresses provided could not be resolved. Correctly configured Active Directory servers with the according A- and (reverse) PTR-entries were set up and reachable, so the warnings were ignored:

vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager – Create Environment screen (Pre-check)

The environment creation is initiated:

vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager – Create Environment screen (Initiated)

After deploying the master the three workers are deployed in parallel:

vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager – Create Environment screen (In progress)

After deploying the three workers the LCM fails to configure the supplied NTP servers for some reason:

vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager – Create Environment screen (Error)

At this point you have two options. The first one being deleting the environment (including the VMs by the below checkbox) and starting over: (e.g. if you actually made a mistake)

vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager – Delete Environment screen

The other option is to resume the request: (The arrow on the right already disappeared after clicking so I drew one where it was)

vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager – Resume Request

This time the step and eventually the entire request finished successfully. From the vCenter perspective the result will look like this:

vSphere Client – vRealize Log Insight cluster VMs

This process is repeated for the second cluster / environment, leaving us with two environments, each with a vRealize Log Insight cluster:

vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager – Two environments with vRealize Log Insight

The next step is to set up message forwarding, so that the “inner” cluster will receive also the messages from the devices logging to the “outer” cluster, with only allowing SSL secured traffic from that cluster to the other on the firewall between the clusters.
Before configuring the two vRLI clusters we first need to export the certificate for the “inner” cluster, which was created separately using the vRSLCM:
(If the same certificate is used for both environments, e.g. subject alternative name=*.”parent.domain”, you can skip this)

vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager – Settings / Certificate

The certificate is imported into all (four) nodes of the forwarding cluster (“outer”) sequentially like shown below or described in the official documentation, followed by a reboot:

SSH to vRealize Log Insight cluster VM

The receiving (“inner”) cluster can be configured to accept only SSL encrypted traffic: (optionally)

vRealize Log Insight – SSL Configuration

Finally the FQDN for the virtual IP of the the “inner” cluster is added as event forwarding destination in the configuration page of the “outer” cluster. The protocol drop-down should be left on “Ingestion API” as changing to “Syslog” will overwrite the original source IPs of the logging entries. After checking the “Use SSL” box verify the connection by using the “Test” button:

vRealize Log Insight – Event Forwarding

If no filters are added here all events received by that vRLI cluster will also be available on the other one.

For testing the setup I configured a NSX-T manager, placed at the “inner” management cluster, to log directly onto the “inner” cluster and a couple of edge VMs, which were deployed to the “outer” edge cluster, as described here.